Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finding Affordable Health Insurance in Brentwood while filing for your divorce

You don’t have to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, but a divorce in Brentwood is quite common. There are so many issues to deal with during the divorce process and finding affordable health insurance in Brentwood is one of the issues you have to tackle. Don’t despair your health insurance agent can help you.

In Brentwood many families have employer provided health insurance benefit that covers the whole family. Often the other spouse is a stay at home parent or self employed, with no access to health insurance benefits. As long as you are in the process of the divorce, your spouse can’t take you of your health insurance plan. Once the divorce is settled, the spouse with the family health insurance coverage can no longer cover the other parent. They are no longer “family” members who can take advantage of their family health insurance plan.

With the rising health insurance cost it is important to address the “cost to insure all family members “, in the negotiation and settlement of the divorce. This is especially important, if the partner has pre-existing medical conditions and will be most likely rejected by the individual insurance companies. The first step is to find out if you are eligible for individual health insurance. You can call us or get an online health insurance quote. We will guide you through the health insurance possibilities and assist you filling out an application. Recently I reviewed a health insurance from a divorced client. She actually was enrolled in a maternity plan, while already having grown-up children and having no intention of getting pregnant. It is critical to rely on a health insurance expert while going through a divorce. Make sure you are buying a health insurance plan which fits your needs.

Going through the difficulties of a divorce is dramatic, let us take one burden of your shoulder and assist to find affordable health insurance in Brentwood.

Friday, May 6, 2011

How much is Health Insurance going to cost me in Santa Monica ?

We all have experienced a steady increase in health insurance cost, you might just have opened your Anthem Blue Cross rate increase letter, but did you know that your health insurance in Santa Monica is most likely double so high as in Midwestern States. So are we experiencing in Santa Monica double as good of a care as in the Midwestern States?
Although we are blessed with exceptional great Hospitals, Saint John's Hospital, UCLA and Cedars Sinai are just one of our few options, still is it fair that we have to pay double the price for health care? Considering that we pay for housing at least double the amount of money as in the Midwestern States, it might be fair.
The only problem is that our income and wages have in recent years not grown as fast as the health insurance cost, food or energy prices. Santa Monica is one of the Mecca's of incredible "creativity" and "small start ups" in the fields of music, internet and entertainment industry.
We have many small businesses , which got hit much harder than anyone else in the latest recession. I am positive that our creativity and ingenuity will also help us to get out of this slump fast.
But in the meantime I at Solidhealthinsurance can help you find the most affordable health insurance, which still offers you good quality care so that you can take advantage of all the great hospitals and doctors that Santa Monica offers.
We will together research all options available to you, compare plans from Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Healthnet, establish a deductible which is manageable for your individual or small company needs.