Now it is time for parents and children alike to start preparing for a new adventure and reduce the pressures and stresses that come with school schedules and activities.
Here are 7 Helpful Tips for a smooth and healthy transition back to school.
1) Schedule a check-up with your child's pediatrician
Does your child have all the necessary booster vaccines? Even Teenagers need still booster shots for Tetanus and Meningitis. Make sure that your child gets also his vision and hearing checked. Go to visit your child's dentist and orthodontist.
2) Start two weeks before school to establish a routine.
Start with a bedtime, earlier wake up and dinner routine which is close to your school schedule
3) Start to talk with your kids to speak positively with enthusiasm about the new school year
Set goals together on what the child wants to achieve and by when.Brake the large goals into mini goals . Put the goals onto index cards or in your child's day planner.
Ask what activities the child wants to learn.
4) Get Organized
Organize your child's room, clean your child's work area of all clutter. Create a To-Do List . Examples are what to pack in back pack or up coming assignments. Crossing things off together will give the child extra sense of accomplishment and you a sense of calmness that things are under control.
5) Relax
It is important to balance work with play so be sure to incorporate down time after school and on the weekends.
Organize your child's room, clean your child's work area of all clutter. Create a To-Do List . Examples are what to pack in back pack or up coming assignments. Crossing things off together will give the child extra sense of accomplishment and you a sense of calmness that things are under control.
5) Relax
It is important to balance work with play so be sure to incorporate down time after school and on the weekends.
6) Regroup
The school year can be hectic so make a point to step back from the chaos, clean out folders and notebooks, revisit goals and set new ones on a monthly basis.
7) Reward your family
When your monthly goals have been accomplished and you have been able to be calm and collected. Celebrate your accomplishment with a great family treat, something you all enjoy.
Remember good times, laughter and love are the best medicine for you and your family.
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